Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
When you created a network of multiple sites in WordPress 3.0, you (the main blog admin) because a Super Admin with all kinds of fun powers. In some situations, you may desire to have additional Super Admins who can do…
Our larger WordPress MU install, Homeschool Journal has been running on multiple databases for about 3 years. Technically, it’s possible to have thousands of blogs in a single database install. Usually where people running MU start to have issues with…
Users of WordPressMU have long been aware of a folder within wp-content called mu-plugins. Obvious conclusions were drawn because of the name and where it was, but this actually stands for “must-use” plugins. Why? Because any code (plugin) placed in…
Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124